Furcation 2022: The Rawring Twenties

Hey, this is an old version of the Furcation website!

The information here is out-of-date and no longer applies to our upcoming convention, but you're welcome to still take a look around.

The Pandemic be damned! We’re back!!

We’d like to invite you all to our little shindig, Furcation, from November 11th to November 14th ’22. The Speakeasy for this little Soirée of ours? That’ll be the fine establishment run by John Fowler's down in a little place called Brean. Look up Sandy Glade Holiday Park but make sure you don’t get followed by any Copper’s or Dicks, we’re trying to avoid getting time at the cooler here.

With the pandemic now gone, things can get back to normal around here however there will be some changes around the place to deal with this, we don’t exactly want it coming back now! Watch this space for further details on what will be required to make our weekend as safe as possible. We don’t want anyone to have to go to the Croaker for more shots.

More information will be made available as we go so follow our announcements on the digital newsie or by checking back in here from time to time. Just don’t bury yourself too deep under the rocks, or we won’t be able to give you the password to the Speakeasy.

Our plans are hitting all eight at the moment, but we’re behind the eight-ball in regard to some things, you’ll find some FAQs for this on another page of this digital newsie. We’ve got to make sure everything is straight to make this the bee’s knees for all of our patrons.

Now I’d better shut my yap or the Big Cheese will have me sleeping with the fishes for giving too much away!

Your Pal,
Frankie Ferret