Furcation 2022: The Rawring Twenties

Hey, this is an old version of the Furcation website!

The information here is out-of-date and no longer applies to our upcoming convention, but you're welcome to still take a look around.


A note from Furcation's charity liaison

Hello all, As I am sure you are aware, myself and the rest of the volunteer staff that put Furcation together are passionate about supporting animals as well as the mental health. In the past the staff have nominated and chosen charities that fit this bill and through the generosity of our attendees (or viewers in the case of 2020 and 2021) we have so far raised almost £16,000 for these causes.

For 2022 we are partnering up with another fantastic cause, one that embodies both care for animals and support for people with mental health conditions. A charity that after contacting a number of times I can confirm they exude care and passion for what they do. I am therefore delighted to announce Furcation 2022's Charity of the Year is:

Recovery Assistance Dogs.

I am excited to share the plans we have in place for this year's Furcation and look forwards to working with our amazing attendees and this wonderful charity to show them how amazing and generous furries can be.

Sincere thanks,

Janner Dogwai

Charity Liaison.

A word from Recovery Assistance Dogs

"At Recovery Assistance Dogs we are dedicated to helping people suffering from mental health conditions by providing the highest quality training for Assistance & Companion Dogs.

"Assistance & Companion dogs allow their owners to enjoy a greater independence and quality of life, and we strive to keep growing so that we can help more people across the UK.

"Stigma surrounding mental health is common, with attitudes towards illnesses tending to be more negative than that toward medical conditions. At RAD, our mission is to advance the awareness and education on the subject of mental health conditions"

Finding out more

If you want to learn more about what this small, Leicestershire based charity does, or how you can get more involved, you can visit their website at recoveryassistancedogs.org.uk or feel free to donate

Keep your eyes peeled in our chat rooms and social media for more information to come on what we have planned and the ways you can help support this amazing charity at this year’s Furcation.

News Updates

5th December 2022 - Charity Total Update

Dear Furcation Attendees and Supporters,

I am delighted to announce that, through the generosity of the Furcation Community this year we have raised a verified total of ...